Latest Projects

History of the AT in Georgia and Union County
Our project to document the history of the Appalachian Trail in Georgia is now complete. In addition to permanent and travelling kiosk-style displays, we have produced a slide deck suitable for classroom presentation or a coffee-table book. It is available here as a PDF file. This document is contained in a large file (>70MB) and may take a few minutes to download over slow internet connections. We recommend that the file be saved after download.
As an added A.T. History bonus, we encourage you to download a rousing music video about the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the role it played in the development of the A.T. The music is by local artists Terry and Tisa Smith from Blairsville. It is synchronized to a video slide show by David Greear of Silverimage Studio, Helen, Georgia. Enjoy! Watch the video!